Gasworks, Newstead is the site for Correspondence the bookstore. This site is home to many restaurants and cafes. It is a hub for office workers and residents in the Newstead/Fortitude Valley area. This area is constantly busy, so creating an eye catching retail space is needed.
Correspondence is about how the community communicates with one another through written pieces, whether that be newspapers or books. This space is about bringing people from all stages of life together in one space. This will be achieved through the concept of a newspaper.
Looking at the shape, layers, contrasts and line work of a newspaper. The shape of a curled up newspaper has been a major inspiration in the creation of this space. Along with the way in which a newspaper is layed out, creating order and variety. Throughout the creation of correspondence, circulation was a major part in the creation, focusing of the flow and direction of where and how customers shop in a retail environment.